Security Brief for Canada prepared on: Sep 20, 2024 4:59:13 PM

Security Assessment Rating
Security Rating for Canada : 
Overall Rating:
Sub-Ratings   1    2    3    4      
Security Services1
Civil Unrest2

Security Alerts & Advisories
    Warning Alerts
        Civil Unrest: Pro-Palestinian activists likely to stage rallies in several US and Canadian cities through at least late September. Disruptions possible..
  • Event: Pro-Palestinian demonstrations
  • Location(s): Several cities (map)
  • Time Frame: Through at least late September
  • Impact: Likely heightened security; possible counterprotests, localized transport and business disruptions, clashes, vandalism

Pro-Palestinian activists will likely stage additional rallies in major cities across the US and Canada through at least late September in response to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. Most demonstrations that materialize will probably draw several hundred attendees, and participation in the thousands is possible on weekends in some major cities.

Such gatherings will most likely occur near Israeli diplomatic offices, identifiably Jewish or Palestinian business establishments, schools and institutions of higher education, public squares, places of worship, and major government buildings. Protests have also targeted ports and industries. Counterprotests could occur in some locations.

Authorities will likely deploy an increased security presence near any sizable pro-Palestinian demonstrations. While most demonstrations will probably remain peaceful, clashes between groups of rival activists cannot be ruled out. There have also been occasional reports of other forms of confrontational behavior, including harassment, vandalism, and the removal of flags or posters placed by opposing groups. Additionally, some schools and religious centers may close or limit their hours of operation. Localized security-related transport and business disruptions are possible.

Exercise caution near any rallies that materialize. Heed instructions from authorities. Plan accordingly for localized road travel delays. Immediately depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance.

        Civil Unrest: Air Canada pilots' strike averted as of early Sept. 15. Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge flight operations normal..
  • Event: Pilots' Strike Averted
  • Location(s): Nationwide (map)
  • Date: Sept. 15

Air Canada (AC) issued a statement on Sept. 15 indicating that it had reached a tentative agreement with the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), averting a possible strike over salaries. ALPA represents over 5,000 Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge (RV) pilots. Customers who had changed their flights between Sept. 15-23 to another date before Nov. 30 are now able to change their bookings back to the original flight times.

Confirm air travel arrangements if booked to fly on Air Canada or its Air Canada Rouge subsidiary in the coming days.

Air Canada

        Civil Unrest: Activists launch protest in Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 20. Counter-protests likely..
  • Event: Protest
  • Location(s): Parliament Hill, Ottawa (map)
  • Date: Sept. 20
  • Impact: Heightened security, counter-protests likely

Parental rights activists affiliated with the organization "Hands off our Kids" launched a protest in Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, on the morning of Sept. 20. The demonstration is to oppose what they claim is sexualized content in schools and ensure parents are informed of all matters related to their children's education.

Counter-protests have occurred in similar protests in the past, and opposing activists are likely to gather in the area on Sept. 20. Heightened security, with associated transport and business disruptions in downtown Ottawa, is likely. Some clashes cannot be ruled out.

Avoid the area and strictly heed instructions from authorities. Plan for delays and alternative routes if operating in Ottawa, Sept. 20.

        Civil Unrest: Climate activists to launch protests in several locations throughout US and Canada, Sept. 20-21. Disruptions likely..
  • Event: Climate Protests
  • Location(s): Multiple Cities (map)
  • Time Frame: Sept. 20-21
  • Impact: Likely heightened security, transport and business disruptions

Environmental activists affiliated with several organizations, including Fridays for Future, plan to hold rallies in several locations in the US and Canada on Sept. 20. The protests are planned as the UN General Assembly is scheduled to begin in New York later in September.

Some of the confirmed protest locations are:


  • New York, New York: March from Foley Square in Manhattan to Borough Hall in Brooklyn, starting at 14:00 Sept. 20

  • Los Angeles, California: Rally outside Los Angeles City Hall, starting at 14:00 Sept. 20

  • Chicago, Illinois: March from Pritzker Park to Federal Plaza, starting at 14:30 Sept. 20


  • Vancouver, B.C.: March from the Vancouver City Hall, to Robson Square, starting at 13:00 Sept. 20

  • Toronto, Ontario: Rally outside Toronto City Hall, 14:00 Sept. 20

  • Ottawa, Ontario: Rally outside Ottawa City Hall, 11:00 Sept. 21

Some of the demonstrations are likely to gather several thousand participants. Transport and business disruptions along the rallies and march routes are likely. Heightened security near government buildings and major roads are also likely.

Plan for delays and alternative routes if operating near the impacted areas Sept. 20-21. Heed instructions from authorities. Do not attempt to cross a roadblock if you encounter one.

Security Intelligence
        Contacts and Communication: Emergency numbers and embassy contacts in Canada

Emergency contact numbers in Canada

Visitors should familiarize themselves with the location and contact details of other foreign embassies in case their country's embassy closes due to an emergency or some other unexpected circumstances. Another embassy can often provide assistance in such cases.




Contact information for Select Embassies in Canada:

If you are calling from outside Canada, dial +1 first.


Australia - High Commission

50 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1 (613) 236.0841
Fax: +1 (613) 786.7621
Brazil - Embassy

450 Wilbrod Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1 (613) 237.1090
Fax: +1 (613) 237.6144
China - Embassy

515 St. Patrick Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1 (613) 789.3434
Fax: +1 (613) 789.1911
Germany - Embassy

1 Waverly Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1 (613) 232.1101
Fax: +1 (613) 594.9330
France - Embassy

42 Promenade Sussex
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1 (613) 789.1795
Fax: +1 (613) 562.3735
Mexico - Embassy

45 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1 (613) 233.8988
Fax: +1 (613) 235.9123
Japan - Embassy

255 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1 (613) 241.8541
Fax: +1 (613) 241.4261
United Kingdom - High Commission

80 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1 (613) 237.1530
Fax: +1 (613) 232.0738
United States - Embassy

490 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1 (613) 688.5335
Fax: +1 (613) 688.3080


For a comprehensive listing of embassy contact information in this destination and a comprehensive listing of Canadian embassies and consulates in other destinations, visit

        Security Services: Security services generally poses a minimal threat in Canada

The capabilities and responsiveness of security services in Canada are generally excellent. Although Canada has a number of different security forces, local police units and mobile response teams are likely to be the most relevant for foreign nationals and local staff. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is the federal police agency responsible for enforcing federal statutes and executive orders, policing airports and government buildings, and policing remote geographical territories. Police officers are typically unable to speak foreign languages; however, some units likely speak both English and French, especially in Quebec and New Brunswick Provinces, as well as Ottawa.

        Kidnapping/Hostage Situation: The threat of kidnapping in Canada is minimal

The threat of kidnapping in Canada is minimal; kidnappers are more likely to target locals. The most common type of abduction in Canada is the express variant, which involves the short-term abduction of a victim while they are robbed of their possessions and forced to withdraw money from ATMs. Criminals sometimes target high net worth individuals such as business executives and celebrities for kidnap-for-ransom. Victims are usually released unharmed and relatively quickly.

        Civil Unrest: Civil unrest generally poses a low threat in Canada

Protests over domestic political issues as well as global events are common in major cities such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Ottawa. Demonstrations related to global conflicts and diaspora-related politics commonly occur in city centers and can be well-attended; clashes and vandalism occasionally occur. Many environmental protests occur in city centers and areas related to the oil and natural gas industry, including production sites, pipelines, and ports. Such unrest is generally peaceful and presents no major issues, apart from potential transit disruptions. Riots and violent protests are seen as extreme exceptions within the Canadian context. Labor-related unrest in the country also occasionally occurs; similarly, labor strikes present no major risks apart from mild disruption.

        Crime: Crime generally poses a low threat in Canada


Canada is known for some of the lowest crime rates in the Americas, and boasts numbers that are generally much lower than those of its US neighbor. The principal crime threat comes from opportunistic crime in the country's major cities such as Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. Vehicle theft has become increasingly common in major Canadian cities; extra precautions are warranted. Other common incidents include pickpocketing or purse-snatching in crowded areas, including on public transportation and in transportation hubs. Cybercrime, including email and phone phishing attacks and other scams, does occur. Those in isolated parts of urban areas at night also risk muggings, though this is uncommon. In general, Canada is known for low violent crime rates, which are not considered a notable risk for visitors.

        Terrorism: Terrorism generally poses a low threat in Canada

The threat of terrorism in Canada is low, but persistent, particularly in the country's major cities. Religiously motivated terrorist acts have been planned and carried out in Canada, such as the 2014 attack against Parliament in Ottawa, enacted by a Canadian citizen with jihadist sympathies. Far-right and "incel"-related terrorist acts are a growing concern. An attack on a mosque by a lone gunman in Quebec City in 2017 killed six, while a vehicle ramming incident directed against Muslims killed 4 in London, Ontario, in 2021. The vast majority of terrorist incidents have been "lone wolf" incidents involving self-radicalized individuals.
Sabotage of infrastructure by environmentally-motivated actors has occurred, particularly targetting oil and gas infrastructure; such incidents have decreased in recent years.
Canadian counterterrorism capabilities are considered strong, and the country often relies on intelligence-sharing with the US.

        Geopolitical: The geopolitical threat in Canada is minimal

Corruption in Canada is considered to be extremely low, as anti-corruption measures and enforcement are strong. Rule of law is also considered strong. Canada’s system of governance is extremely stable.

  Overview of Canada


Canada, a North American member of the Commonwealth, ranks among the most developed economies in the world. The country is known for its vast natural resources and relatively low crime rates. The biggest threat for those visiting Canada will often stem from inclement weather, as the winter months between December and March can be extremely harsh. There is also a risk of opportunistic crime in the major cities.

    Travel information in this document and in the included links is provided by WorldAware, Inc. and/or its parents and subsidiaries. While WorldAware constantly monitors the changing world situation and strives for accuracy and timeliness, this information is provided to you on an "as is" basis, and your use of this information is at your own risk.
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Worldcue Security Brief